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Oracle Prints

Fur Cloaked Guard

Fur Cloaked Guard

Regular price $3.49 USD
Regular price Sale price $3.49 USD
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 This humanoid can be used for a number of races since the hood of their cloak covers the majority of their head. The walk holding onto their halberd while also having a sword sheathed o their hip. Their cloak is fur lined and with the aesthetic of other warm clothes this individual would be a nice fill in for a guard in a cold environment. 

 Sculpted by BriteMinis to the 28mm scale. BriteMini STL's can be purchased directly from or from their Patreon.

 Most sellers opt for using high quality resins for their minis. FDM printing has reached a point you can still print quality minis like you can with resin; but they retain the strength of PLA.

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